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• In 2008 there were 1,347 fatalities among children aged 0-14 -- 1 out of every 6 involved a drunk driver.

• 11,773 people were killed from an alcohol-impaired driver in 2008 alone.  This accounts for 1/3 of all traffic related fatalities.

• According to the Center for Disease Control, 32 people are killed by a drunk driver EVERY DAY.

• About 3 in 10 individuals will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some point in their lives.

• On average, a person drives 87 times under the influence of alcohol before being arrested.

• 50-75% of drunk drivers, who have had their license suspended, continue to drive.

• Young people, motorcyclists and drivers with prior DWI convictions are most at risk to be involved in an alcohol related accident.

• In 2008, 1 out of every 3 drivers who were involved in a fatal crashes, had a BAC of over 0.08% and were between the ages of 21 and 24.

• 30% of motorcyclists who were killed in alcohol related accidents had a BAC of over 0.08%.

• 64.1% of 8th graders in 2008 claimed that alcohol was “very easy” or “fairly easy” to get, however this is down from 73.1% from a decade earlier.

• On average, someone is killed by a drunk driver every 45 minutes.  There were 11,773 fatalities in 2008 related to drunk driving accidents.  In 2007, there were 13,041 fatalities due to drunk driving.

• 2.3% Americans aged 18 and older surveyed in 2002 said that they reported alcohol-impaired driving.

• 70% of all drinkers aged 19 and 20 engaged in heavy drinking.  This suggests that the majority of young people are at a great risk for making poor decisions that could potentially lead to long-term consequences.

• According to the Center for Disease Control, the annual cost of alcohol related  accidents totals more than $51 billion.

A good attorney can help you recover damages for accidents related to a careless drunk driver. If you have suffered a temporary disability or are permanently disabled because someone else had too much to drink and decided to drive, an attorney can make sure that your damages demand includes and explains the full amount needed for your future financial security and maximum possible comfort.

For more information about our commitment to clients involved in DUI related car accident cases, contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in your state.


This website is not meant to serve as legal advice of any kind and is only intended for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. As Personal Injury Law varies from state to state we recommend you seek legal advice from an attorney or law firm in your state. The information used on this website is copyrighted and used with permission by Dallas Norton, Esq. Denver's Personal Injury Attorney serving personal injury victims in Denver Metro Area and all of Colorado